Locksmith West Palm Beach believe when offenders see something they want to steal from your shop or office they will take it because standard locks won’t slow them down. A quick pry, a kick, bump, screwdriver strike, or even a credit card bypass technique could open a typical lock.
Your business is in danger if the front, side, or rear door is protected with doorknob locks. One of our emergency locksmith’s experts can find your business’ vulnerabilities and could input ways that are perfect to keep your company secure. But first, I’ll provide you with some tips for better business door security:
Install Deadbolts

Install deadbolts on all outside doors as it a significant investment. Deadbolts offer protection and enhanced security against prying, bumping, picking, drilling, and other forced entry methods of entering. Durable deadbolts arrive with grades from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). However, to be called commercial deadbolt it needs to pass a test of open/closed 250,000 times, bolt projects one inch into the door frame, and, has to withstand ten hammer blows.
An experienced locksmith company carries many types of deadbolts with safety for your organization in mind. Now, our locksmiths have the experience to set up the tools for the right situation. For instance, when do you set a double cylinder or single deadbolt? A double cylinder needs a key to open the deadbolt from both sides. Now, a single could be unlocked from the inside without a key. You should put in a double cylinder deadbolt to get rid of the threat or somebody breaking through the window and reaching across to unlock the deadbolt.
Rekey existing locks
Rekeying your locks may prove invaluable in protecting the assets of your business. Were you aware that burglars could be an old employee or a lucky person who found your misplaced keys? Later went with no problem to burglarize your business. If your company lost a spare key, or lately let an untrusted worker go then, you ought to rekey your doorways.
However, of course, not every employee steals but people do make spare keys even though it’s not allowed. Highly skilled locksmiths can change the pins within your locks and cut matching keys that make the old set of passkeys obsolete.
Strengthen the door components

Reinforcing the strike plate will toughen the door against forced entry attacks. The truth, people, think a lock is what keeps them secure but the strike plate is what anchors the door, so it needs strengthening too. Mounting heavy-duty strike plates with three inches reinforced screw increases the capability of your lock against forced entry.
The same as the strike plate, the hinges need proper setup and must be robust. Feeble hinges using shallow anchor screws are going to be the very first thing to give way when the door gets attacked. Offenders can be given easy access by lousy hinge installation or even DIY projects. If it’s possible to view your hinges while your doorway is still closed, then the pin holding the hinges can be lifted or unscrewed, and the door is open. These parts have to be as powerful as the locking system so install the hinges inside the door with three-inch screws.
Have you heard of bumping locks? Bumping locks is a sort of lock-picking which a key is cut with more teeth and placed in a lock. Then it’s struck and bumped to open locks and deadbolts. So ask your locksmith about protecting your business against these bypassing techniques before getting your deadbolts mounted.
Locks maintenance

Small business owners often forget to lubricate the locks, an essential maintenance tip. Bolts are made of metal and also have metal interior moving parts that are vulnerable to corrosion and rust. When you turn and slip in your key, it pushes a succession of pins or wafers which will need to function smoothly.
The outside locks remain vulnerable to the weather elements and susceptible to damage from water and dirt. It leads to your locks’ parts to cease and quit functioning. Just a tiny bit of lubricant such as WD-40 or graphite powder will keep the pins moving freely and reduce friction. Thus prolong the lifespan of your locks.